Glen Price’s commitment to equity and justice started early. Following his undergraduate work at UC Santa Cruz, Glen began three years of community service working with Volunteers in Asia of Stanford in rural Sulawesi, Indonesia. He then subsequently organized, funded, and implemented rural community development projects in Colombia, South America.
Since that time, his professional career has focused on development of policies, programs, and organizations that build more just societies and create greater equity for children, youth, and families both in the United States and internationally.
Glen’s public service has included serving two terms as an elected board member of the West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD).
In 2001, Glen founded the Glen Price Group (GPG), a multi-faceted consulting firm providing non-profit, foundation, and public sector organizations with strategic planning, organizational, and fund development services.
At GPG, Glen has been the principal team leader for efforts that raised over $1 billion dollars for the capital, and program initiatives of public and private agencies. He has worked extensively with foundations, non-profit organizations, local education agencies, and governmental entities, including the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, American Red Cross, CARE, World Wildlife Fund, First 5 California, S.D. Bechtel Jr., Foundation, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Stuart Foundation, and others.
In 2009, the Alameda County Family Justice Center presented Glen with its first “Champion Extraordinaire” award. In 2017, the Association for Talent Development Sacramento Chapter recognized Glen as a “Champion of Learning.”
Between 2014-2018, Glen took a leave of absence from GPG to serve as a Chief Deputy for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson at the California Department of Education (CDE). At CDE, he was instrumental in the launch of California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), a groundbreaking effort to build local district and school capacity for equity and improved performance. The LCFF shifted $10 billion annually to support improved services for low-income, English learner, and foster youth students.
Much of Glen’s work has focused on the design, implementation, funding, and evaluation of multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary coalitions, alliances, and collaborative projects focused on community empowerment and equity. Key examples of these activities have included support for the development of the California Labor Management Initiative, the California Comprehensive Early Learning Plan, and the California Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Accountability and Continuous Improvement Task Force.
Glen and his wife have two amazing daughters, sons-in-law, and granddaughters. Glen enjoys hiking, making music with friends and family, and working in his small organic herb and vegetable garden.
Glen retired from GPG in 2024 and continues to serve on GPG’s Board of Directors.